Branham in presa din Londra
Predicator branhamist pe strada in Londra (Ontario), jigneste trecatorii, in special femeile, spunandu-le ca sunt curve, prostituate, scroafe si Izabele doar pentru ca au parul tuns si pantaloni. Din nou apar in presa branhamistii, dar ca de obicei, nu pentru ca fac ceva bun altor oameni, sau ca au o contributie pozitiva in societate, ci apar din nou ca acuzatori, parasi, atacatori, otravitori, toxici, care mereu condamna pe altii si care nu predica Evanghelia celor pierduti, ci ataca oamenii care sunt diferiti de ceea ce ei cred si invata. _____________________ Carapella said he believes Branham to be a "prophet of God." The oppression of women is a common element in Branham's sermons. He often berated them from the pulpit, comparing them to "dogs" and "hogs." He also frequenly describes all women as instruments of Satan, sent to Earth only to tempt and deceive man. He preached that women should be kept inside the home and not pursue careers. He al...